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Scoring for lowa Assessments™

This year, we have exciting changes to help you get scores faster! To help facilitate the changes, it is essential that schools ensure accuracy in bubbling of student documents (name, birthdate, etc.).

Schools will also have free access to DataManager, where they will be able to create numerous types of reports.

BJU Press should scan tests less than 20 business days after materials arrive in scorable condition so that schools can create reports.*


  • Complete the Iowa Assessments Scoring Worksheet included with your materials. If you do not have this worksheet, contact [email protected] and include the school account number in your email. Information on the worksheet will help you complete the rest of these steps.
  • Fill in the Riverside™ Building Identification Sheet with both school name and account number (under Building Code).
  • Complete each Riverside™ Grade/Class Identification Sheet.
  • Review answer documents/write-in booklets. Check for:
    • Stray penciling, especially in the black marks on the sides and tops of the answer document or write-in booklet.
    • Missing, misplaced, or incorrect First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, Gender, and IA Form.
    • Subjects not attempted or with too few answers to be scored.
    • Missing names on the inside page (answer documents only).
  • Schools are assigned a Student ID Prefix by BJU Press Testing, which schools must use to create a unique 10-digit ID for each student (with the first 5 digits of each ID being the prefix). All students will then have unique 5-digit IDs the school will determine. A school with a prefix of 11111 might determine, then, that their first Student ID will be 1111100001, then 1111100002, then 1111100003, and so forth.
    • The prefix will prevent your student from being confused with another school.
    • The Student ID for each student cannot be re-used, even after graduation.
    • Student names and spellings must be the same from year to year, so schools should use legal names.
    • The Student ID must be bubbled on the answer document or booklet.
  • For students with IEPs, exclusions from group reports, and other needs, make sure to mark the appropriate bubbles. For these instructions, see your worksheet.
  • Order scoring for each answer document and write-in booklet, including each CogAT write-in booklet (see below).

If you have out-of-level testing, call 800.845.5731 for directions to ensure correct scoring.

When tests are back in our office and have been scanned, your last step will be to create reports. With DataManager access, the breadth of report options for schools will be far greater than in previous years.

Ordering Instructions for Scoring

After administering your tests, order scoring for each write-in booklet and for each answer document before shipping the tests to us.

Scoring items are no longer based on grade, so you will simply order one scoring service per document and one scoring service per write-in booklet that will be scored.

For CogAT Scoring:

  • Answer Document Scoring (Item #397554) - Since answer documents contain both lowa Assessments and CogAT, schools will order only one scoring per answer document, even for combination testing.
  • Write-In Booklet Scoring (Item #397547) - Since achievement and CogAT use separate booklets, schools should order one scoring per booklet used.

Reports Available

You will be able to create reports in DataManager.* This will allow you to:

  • Get reports on your timetable after tests have been scanned.
  • Create a wide variety of new reports.

For instructions on how to create reports, see the video below:

Group Performance Profile

Individual Performance Profile

Schools will have access to more reports in DataManager. Once the tests are scanned, an email will be sent, and reports can be created as needed.

*BJU Press will not be creating result reports for schools. School reports will no longer be uploaded to a school's BJU Press account.

397547 Scoring Service for Iowa or CogAT Write-In Booklet
397554 Scoring Service for Iowa/CogAT Answer Document

Before returning tests, make sure to fill out the scoring worksheet above and include it with the tests.

Physical tests and data files are stored at BJU Press for six months following scoring. If you have questions regarding the accuracy of individual or group reports, please contact our office within this time period.