Making Connections in Literature
Making Connections in Literature equips students to analyze texts and identify themes in a variety of genres so they can evaluate and connect literature to the rest of the world. Literature 8 gives students the reading strategies and literary skills they need to comprehend, analyze, interpret, and compare texts of different genres. They will evaluate both contemporary and classic selections and complete a full-length novel study of Across Five Aprils. Ultimately, this course encourages students to develop both artistic and biblical discernment so they can be creative, Christlike communicators.
15 products
Results for 8th Grade Literature
Across Five Aprils
SKU538082$7.99Teachers may assign Across Five Aprils for study in Making Connections in Literature (4th ed.)
Literature 8 Print & Trove eStudent Edition, 4th ed.
SKU548602$71.50The Making Connections in Literature Student Edition (4th ed.) engages students with a variety of literary selections that are current and relevant to them. The structure of the student edition helps students to use the reading process as they learn more about each literary selection.
Literature 8 Trove eAssessments, 4th ed.
SKU549121$7.39The Making Connections in Literature digital assessment set (4th ed.) includes reading comprehension assessments as well as unit assessments for formative assessments and standardized assessment practice.
Literature 8 Trove eStudent Edition, 4th ed.
SKU547992$35.75The Making Connections in Literature Student Edition (4th ed.) engages students with a variety of literary selections that are current and relevant to them. The structure of the student edition helps students to use the reading process as they learn more about each literary selection.
Making Connections Assessments Answer Key, 4th ed.
SKU528919$13.75The Making Connections in Literature Assessment Answer Key (4th ed.) includes overprint answers for all quizzes, unit tests, vocabulary tests, practice tests, and the novel assessment.
Making Connections in Literature Assessments, 4th ed.
SKU528901$7.39The Making Connections in Literature Assessments (4th ed.) includes reading comprehension assessments as well as unit tests for formative assessments and standardized test practice. One assessment packet should be purchased for each student.
Making Connections in Literature Student Edition, 4th ed.
SKU528893$68.00The Making Connections in Literature Student Edition (4th ed.) engages students with a variety of literary selections that are current and relevant to them. The structure of the student edition helps students to use the reading process as they learn more about each literary selection.
Making Connections in Literature Teacher Edition, 4th ed.
SKU528885$84.50The Making Connections in Literature (4th edition) two-volume teacher edition supports teachers in helping students analyze and evaluate literature and come to a biblical understanding of each selection. In addition, the teacher edition suggests natural opportunities to encourage collaborative learning in a school environment.
Excursions in Literature Student Text, 3rd ed.
SKU515866$68.00Excursions in Literature (3rd ed.) helps students learn the foundational concepts necessary for the study and appreciation of literature while applying scriptural principles to the analysis of an author’s ideas. Students sharpen their critical thinking skills as they observe the strengths of good writing and evaluate various techniques and themes of Christian and non-Christian writers.
Excursions in Literature Trove eAssessments, 3rd ed.
SKU551861$7.39Excursions in Literature Teacher's Edition, 3rd ed.
SKU244046$84.50Excursions in Literature guides students in reading literature in light of a Christian worldview and will learn how to deal biblically with objectionable elements. The educational materials teaches students to recognize and appreciate literary techniques, presents a variety of literary genres, and develops critical thinking skills.The Teacher's Edition (2 volumes) recommends methods for teaching values as well as content and includes many useful teaching aids.
Excursions in Literature Tests Answer Key, 3rd ed.
SKU233080$13.75The Answer Key includes copies of the tests with answer overprint. Suggested answers for the essays appear with each essay section.
Excursions in Literature Tests, 3rd ed.
SKU233072$7.39Ready-made tests provide one test for each of the six units as well as a mid-term and a final exam.
Literature 8 Print & Trove eStudent Edition, 3rd ed.
SKU548594$71.50Excursions in Literature (3rd ed.) helps students learn the foundational concepts necessary for the study and appreciation of literature while applying scriptural principles to the analysis of an author's ideas. Students sharpen their critical thinking skills as they observe the strengths of good writing and evaluate various techniques and themes of Christian and non-Christian writers.
Literature 8 Trove eStudent Edition, 3rd ed.
SKU547984$35.75Excursions in Literature (3rd ed.) helps students learn the foundational concepts necessary for the study and appreciation of literature while applying scriptural principles to the analysis of an author's ideas. Students sharpen their critical thinking skills as they observe the strengths of good writing and evaluate various techniques and themes of Christian and non-Christian writers.
How We Teach Literature 8
Close Reading with the Reading Process
As students follow the reading process, they will accomplish close readings of each selection, learning and using reading strategies that help them come to a richer understanding of the selections, genres, authors, and themes covered in this course.
Gradual Release of Responsibility
The teaching cycle in the teacher edition enables teachers to encourage students to become independent learners by progressing from whole-class instruction to collaborative learning activities to independent learning activities in each unit.
Contemporary Selections
In the student edition, students will find relevant, contemporary selections balanced with notable classic selections that they will find easy to engage with.
Thematic Units
The student edition organizes selections into six themes. Literature selections within each unit help students develop a cultural understanding of the themes. General activities and Big Questions provide natural opportunities for worldview shaping.
Literature 8 Educational Materials
Student Edition
The student edition provides students with an anthology of literary selections representing a variety of genres, authors, and timelines so teachers can provide explicit instruction for reading and engaging with different genres. Many selections include engaging, exciting artwork to evaluate. Each selection guides students through the three stages of the reading process—effectively preparing students for understanding before reading, helping them to engage with content during reading, and encouraging critical-thinking development and worldview shaping after reading. This course can aid students in developing discernment about different and potentially dangerous philosophies.
Teacher Edition
The teacher edition provides a lesson pathway for guiding students through each text and gives teachers tools to discuss unit themes on a deeper level. The teaching cycle in the teacher edition provides direction for engaging, instructing, applying, and assessing lesson content. It offers teachers a greater depth of analysis and evaluation to help students develop a rounded, biblical understanding of each selection. Additionally, it provides opportunities for collaborative learning.