Streaming Video Classes for Your Needs
Use Christian Classroom Online video classes to support your school’s curriculum offerings. Christian Classroom Online courses are pre-recorded video lessons led by experienced teachers available through video streaming. The interface allows the facilitator or individual student to easily navigate through daily lessons and access additional resources. Each course includes
- engaging, inspiring teachers who have a passion for their students, for Christ, and for their content,
- approximately 180 lessons with preset assignments,
- a variety of instructional strategies,
- support materials for facilitators,
- additional resources for expanding the material, and access to reproducible copies of ancillary student materials
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New Courses for 2024
Classroom License (Option 1)
A classroom license allows a single school facilitator to offer up to 8 courses. The facilitator presents the videos to each classroom, and the video directs the students’ learning and assignments. The facilitator manages the classroom, supplies handouts, and grades assignments and tests.
Option 1 Facilitator Login
The facilitator’s account allows the facilitator to easily follow the planned video schedule. With Option 1, facilitators have access to PDF versions of teacher editions and materials produced by the CCO teacher of each course, including reproducible student handouts with answer keys, reproducible tests and quizzes with answer keys for Grades 5–12, a video lesson guide, and additional instructional aids.
Benefits and Uses
- Include courses you would not be able to offer in the absence of a qualified teacher
- Great resource for substitute teachers
- Teaching reference for new teachers or teaching a new course
- Offer quality instruction in a multi-grade classroom
Some courses might use a previous edition textbook. Check the CCO Order Form for details.
- $169 for up to 8 courses (only one course may be viewed at a time)
- Separate purchase of required BJU Press student editions and consumable worktexts, activities or lab manuals (all grades), and printed tests (Grades 1–4 only)
- Optional: preprinted CCO student handouts
Reproducible Materials
- Grades 5–12 receive reproducible tests and quizzes in the facilitator resources
- Reproducible CCO student handouts available in facilitator resources
Individual Student License (Option 2)
Individual student registrations give the full benefit of Christian Classroom Online licenses. Students learn independently at their own pace from a passionate teacher whose video instruction is tailored to individual learners in a virtual environment. A facilitator will still need to be available to monitor students’ progress, give assistance, and to grade assignments and answer questions. Tests and quizzes can be taken online and automatically graded for Grades 5 and up. The facilitator will also have access to a complete online gradebook to generate reports or export grades to a different system.
Option 2 Student and Facilitator Login
The learning management system makes it easy for the classroom facilitator and students with an individual license to navigate daily work and keep track of progress. Facilitators for Individual Student Licenses (Option 2) will enjoy access to digital teacher editions to assist students, auto-graded tests and quizzes (Grades 5–12), and activity reports to track each student’s progress. Students can easily follow the planned video schedule and access associated eTextbooks.
Benefits and Uses
- Credit recovery for new students
- Access to remote learning for students who need it
- Accommodate unique scheduling needs
- Offer quality instruction in a multi-grade classroom
- Online auto-graded tests and quizzes for Grades 5–12
- Included eTextbook for all nonconsumable textbooks for Grades 1–12
Some courses might use a previous edition textbook. Check the CCO Order Form for details.
- Single student per course: $89–$119
- Single student per grade: $229–$569
- Purchase of required BJU Press consumable worktexts, activities or lab manuals (all grades), and printed tests (Grades 1–4 only)
- Optional: printed textbooks for corresponding eTextbooks (see special pricing in the order form)
- Optional: preprinted CCO student handouts