Reading 4 Teacher's Edition, 3rd ed.
Reading 4 (3rd Edition) Teacher’s Edition provides 180 lessons with guidance for teaching the selections in the student text. Offers a variety of teaching and assessment strategies, including silent and oral reading and literal and higher-order questions. It encourages teacher-modeling for student activities so that students can feel prepared to do new activities.
Christian School Pricing
Copyright Year
3rd ed.
1416 pp.
Grade Level
BJU Press
Reading 4 (3rd Edition) Teacher’s Edition provides 180 lessons with guidance for teaching the selections in the student text. Offers a variety of teaching and assessment strategies, including silent and oral reading and literal and higher-order questions. It encourages teacher-modeling for student activities so that students can feel prepared to do new activities. It’s full of biblical worldview shaping and collaborative learning opportunities through Look Again lessons. Book reports, technology projects, sustained silent reading activities, and assessment guidance are included. The third TE volume includes twenty lessons each for teaching three novels differentiated as low, medium, and high difficulty. The three novels are Medallion, Sarah Plain and Tall, and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. The three novels are included with the Teacher's Edition.