Early Bird Special
Thank you for your patience as we’ve migrated to a new system. We have extended our Early Bird discount through June 10 to assist you as you complete your orders.
We are extending a 5% discount* to conventional Christian schools ordering BJU Press educational materials between April 1 and June 10, 2024. Your order will be shipped as soon as possible.
Delayed billing** is available from April 1, 2024, through July 15, 2024 with a minimum order of $1,000. On qualifying orders, you may select “Delayed Billing” under “Payment Method” at checkout. Please contact our Customer Account Services Team ([email protected] or 866.879.2966) if you have any additional billing questions.
BJU Press appreciates this opportunity to serve you. If you have any questions or if we can be of any other assistance, please contact our customer service department at [email protected] or call 800.845.5731 (M–F, 8:00–5:00 ET).
*Does not apply to BJU Press Christian Classroom Online, DVD options, and Testing & Evaluation orders.
**Does not apply to Testing & Evaluation orders.
Log In to Account before Adding Items to Cart
Log in to your account before adding items to your cart. If you add items to cart before logging in, the items will not carry forward.
Extended Hours
BJU Press will extend Customer Service hours during our busy season. Hours will extend to 7 p.m. EST from May 1 until September 1.