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Writing & Grammar 12 textbooks

Writing & Grammar 12

Enhancing Communication Skills

This course reviews and expands on the grammar, usage, and mechanics covered in Grade 11, introducing new material such as passive participles, absolute phrases, and idiomatic use of prepositions. Students will master paragraph development, incorporating quotations and visual aids. Writing projects include descriptive essays, comparison/contrast essays, research reports, literary analyses, dramatic scenes, interior monologues, persuasive essays, sonnets, and video reports. Through interactive workshops, students will refine their writing, revising, and critical thinking skills. They will also prepare for future academic and professional endeavors by crafting college application essays and extemporaneous essays, all while integrating a biblical perspective on identity, logic, integrity, and judgment.

11 products

Results for 12th Grade Writing & Grammar

    • Writing & Grammar 12 Student Worktext, 3rd ed.

      Writing & Grammar 12 Student Worktext, 3rd ed.


      The Writing & Grammar 12 Student Worktext contains very thorough explanations of grammatical concepts such as the parts of speech, phrases and clauses, usage, and mechanics. It introduces advanced grammatical concepts such as tense sequence, perfect verbs, and adverbial nouns. It also includes reference chapters on library skills and study skills.

    • Writing & Grammar 12 Teacher's Edition, 3rd ed.

      Writing & Grammar 12 Teacher's Edition, 3rd ed.


      The Writing & Grammar 12 Teacher’s Edition is full of helpful teaching tips and thorough expanations. It includes reduced student pages with answer overprints to help with grading. The CD contains writing rubrics, pretests, and planning helps.

    • Writing & Grammar 12 Tests Answer Key, 3rd ed.

      Writing & Grammar 12 Tests Answer Key, 3rd ed.


      The Writing & Grammar 12 Tests Answer Key contains a copy of the student tests with answer overprints for easy grading.

    • Writing & Grammar 12 Tests, 3rd ed.

      Writing & Grammar 12 Tests, 3rd ed.


      The Writing & Grammar 12 Tests contain chapter tests as well as a midterm and final.

    • Writing & Grammar 12 Trove eAssessments, 3rd ed.

      Writing & Grammar 12 Trove eAssessments, 3rd ed.


      The Writing & Grammar 12 digital assessments contain chapter assessments .

    • Writing & Grammar 12 Trove eWorktext, 3rd ed.

      Writing & Grammar 12 Trove eWorktext, 3rd ed.


      The Writing & Grammar 12 Student Worktext contains very thorough explanations of grammatical concepts such as the parts of speech, phrases and clauses, usage, and mechanics. It introduces advanced grammatical concepts such as tense sequence, perfect verbs, and adverbial nouns. It also includes reference chapters on library skills and study skills.

    • Writing & Grammar 12 Worktext & Trove eWorktext, 3rd ed.

      Writing & Grammar 12 Worktext & Trove eWorktext, 3rd ed.


      The Writing & Grammar 12 Student Worktext contains very thorough explanations of grammatical concepts such as the parts of speech, phrases and clauses, usage, and mechanics. It introduces advanced grammatical concepts such as tense sequence, perfect verbs, and adverbial nouns. It also includes reference chapters on library skills and study skills.

    • Writing & Grammar 12 Student Worktext, 2nd ed.

      Writing & Grammar 12 Student Worktext, 2nd ed.


      Teaches the eight parts of speech, verbal phrases, clauses, usage, and mechanics. Reviews the seven sentence patterns. Introduces advanced concepts such as tense sequence, perfect verbals, and adverbial nouns.

    • Writing & Grammar 12 Teacher's Edition, 2nd ed.

      Writing & Grammar 12 Teacher's Edition, 2nd ed.


      The two-volume Teacher's Edition provides everything you need. Book One gives you suggested scheduling, ideas for presenting English concepts, and reduced student pages with overprint answers. Book Two contains reproducibles and answer keys for diagnostic pretests, extra activities, special helps for ESL (English as a Second Language) students guides for writing assignments, and rubrics to simplify the grading of compositions.

    • Writing & Grammar 12 Tests Answer Key, 2nd ed.

      Writing & Grammar 12 Tests Answer Key, 2nd ed.


      Writing/Grammar 12 Tests Answer Key includes test versions with overprinted answers for convenient grading. Corresponds with Writing/Grammar 12 Tests (2nd ed).

    • Writing & Grammar 12 Tests, 2nd ed.

      Writing & Grammar 12 Tests, 2nd ed.


      These objective tests require that students use information explained in the student text. Each test follows a theme ( e.g., birds or sailing) and may include a variety of multiple choice, application (labeling, underlining, circling), and short answer items.

    Writing & Grammar 12 Educational Materials

    Student Worktext

    The student worktext provides students with the tools for deepening their understanding of English grammar and for increasing their proficiency in the use of English. Further, the worktext seeks to present material in an engaging, manageable style. Plentiful examples and exercises cover topics of interest to twelfth-grade students. Special features and a wide variety of writing opportunities enrich the learning experience.

    Teacher Edition

    The teacher edition is full of helpful teaching tips and thorough explanations. It includes reduced student pages with answer overprints to help with grading.