The Story of the Old Testament
The Story of the Old Testament teaches students to study and recognize the big story of Creation, Fall, and Redemption in the Old Testament through individual narratives. Students will develop an understanding of the Old Testament’s application to the New Testament. Ultimately, students will learn to conduct their independent Bible study as they understand the principles of hermeneutics and biblical theology. The course materials work together to present the Bible as the true story of what God is doing to glorify Himself by redeeming His fallen creation.
14 products
Results for 7th Grade Bible
Bible 7 Activities & Trove eActivities, 1st ed.
SKU547265$25.50The Story of the Old Testament (1st Edition) Student Activities Manual introduces students to a simple Bible Study Method: Observe (what the text says), Interpret (what the text means), and Apply (what the text means for life). As an integral part of the course, students will begin to learn some basic observation skills as they complete their Scripture reading assignments while a Prayer Journal guides them to pray scripturally and specifically.
Bible 7 Print & Trove eStudent Edition, 1st ed.
SKU548206$30.75The Story of the Old Testament (1st Edition) Student Text builds off of the Student Activities Manual and its emphasis on observation and guides students to take the next step in the process of the Bible Study method: connecting their observations to proper interpretation. When all of the individual narratives fit into the one big unfolding story of Scripture, its relevance and application to the New Testament believer becomes clear.
Bible 7 Trove eActivities, 1st ed.
SKU546473$24.25The Story of the Old Testament (1st Edition) Student Activities Manual introduces students to a simple Bible Study Method: Observe (what the text says), Interpret (what the text means), and Apply (what the text means for life). As an integral part of the course, students will begin to learn some basic observation skills as they complete their Scripture reading assignments while a Prayer Journal guides them to pray scripturally and specifically.
Bible 7 Trove eAssessments, 1st ed.
SKU548883$7.39The Story of the Old assessmentament (1st Edition) digital assessment set assesses students questions that are aligned with scaffolded objectives.
Bible 7 Trove eStudent Edition, 1st ed.
SKU547596$15.25The Story of the Old Testament (1st Edition) Student Text builds off of the Student Activities Manual and its emphasis on observation and guides students to take the next step in the process of the Bible Study method: connecting their observations to proper interpretation. When all of the individual narratives fit into the one big unfolding story of Scripture, its relevance and application to the New Testament believer becomes clear.
The Story of the Old Testament Activities
SKU512228$24.25The Story of the Old Testament (1st Edition) Student Activities Manual introduces students to a simple Bible Study Method: Observe (what the text says), Interpret (what the text means), and Apply (what the text means for life). As an integral part of the course, students will begin to learn some basic observation skills as they complete their Scripture reading assignments while a Prayer Journal guides them to pray scripturally and specifically.
The Story of the Old Testament Activities Answer Key
SKU512236$20.50The Story of the Old Testament (1st Edition) Student Activities Manual Answer Key provides overprint answers for ease of grading. Corresponds with Story of the Old Testament (1st Edition) Student Activities Manual.
The Story of the Old Testament Student Text
SKU512210$29.25The Story of the Old Testament (1st Edition) Student Text builds off of the Student Activities Manual and its emphasis on observation and guides students to take the next step in the process of the Bible Study method: connecting their observations to proper interpretation. When all of the individual narratives fit into the one big unfolding story of Scripture, its relevance and application to the New Testament believer becomes clear.
The Story of the Old Testament Teacher's Edition
SKU512244$47.00The Story of the Old Testament (1st Edition) Teacher’s Edition engages students with multiple teaching strategies rather than sticking to one dry lecture style. The Teacher’s Edition is packed full of rich content clearly aligned with scaffolded objectives and a focus on interpretation and appropriate application.
The Story of the Old Testament Tests
SKU512251$7.39The Story of the Old Testament (1st Edition) Tests assesses students questions that are aligned with scaffolded objectives.
The Story of the Old Testament Tests Answer Key
SKU512269$13.75The Story of the Old Testament (1st Edition) Tests Answer Key enables quick location of answers according to page numbers provided in addition to overprint answers. Corresponds with Story of the Old Testament (1st Edition) Tests.
Bible Truths Level A Student Worktext (3rd ed.)
SKU217737$31.00Bible Truths A: Learning From the Life of Christ (3rd edition) covers our Lord's earthly life and ministry. Your student will be inspired by the example of Christ's own life experiences and the way He dealt with both friends and enemies. In addition, many other valuable lessons will be drawn from Christ's sermons, miracles, and parables.
Award Bible (blue leather-look)
SKU017939$7.50Contains a presentation page, an illustrated Bible dictionary, and color maps.
Who Is This Jesus? Teacher's Edition
SKU195578$22.75Who Is This Jesus? Teacher’s Edition helps the teacher guide students through a study of major world religions and how these religions view Jesus. The teacher’s edition features recommendations on what would be the most effective approach and how to organize the material. Teaching objectives and strategies are listed at the beginning of each chapter, and reduced pages of the student text are also presented.
How We Teach Bible 7
The Story of the Old Testament is the first essential piece in the secondary Bible program. This course shapes future secondary Bible courses as follows.
- This course presents the Creation, Fall, Redemption framework for viewing the big story of Scripture as a single story. Future courses will expand on this and other ingredients of a biblical worldview.
- This course effectively teaches the Creation, Fall, Redemption approach by correlating the Teacher’s Edition with the Student Text.
- This course stresses an inductive approach to Bible study, in contrast to a moralistic approach. Students will explore the Bible with a focus on the first step of inductive Bible study: observation.
- This course expands assessments to encourage students to internalize what they learn from Scripture. Rather than just simple fill-in-the-blank and short answer assessments, the Student Activities include a prayer journal and assessments that guide them as they observe Scripture.
Bible 7 Educational Materials
Student Edition
Building off the Student Activities’ emphasis on observation, the Student Text guides students to take the next step in Bible study: connecting their observations to proper interpretation. Appropriate applications can’t be made without proper interpretation. And proper interpretation cannot be done without good observation. The Student Text emphasizes the need for understanding how the Old Testament fits into the unfolding story of Scripture without making the study daunting. As students study the unfolding story of Scripture, they can understand clearly how the Old Testament applies to modern believers.
Students will be introduced to a simple Bible study method: Observe (what the text says), Interpret (what the text means), and Apply (what the text means for life). This integral part of the course will guide students to practice some basic observation skills as they complete their Scripture reading assignments. A prayer journal will guide them to pray scripturally and specifically as memory verses reinforce the lessons they have learned.
Teacher Edition
The Teacher’s Edition engages students with multiple teaching strategies. It is packed full of rich content clearly aligned with scaffolded objectives as it focuses on interpretation and appropriate application. It correlates with the Student Text so that teachers have a guide for teaching the inductive approach of Creation, Fall, Redemption in contrast to teaching the Bible from a moralistic or allegorical approach.