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The Treasure Map [DVD]

In The Treasure Map a troubled Cherokee boy encounters an unfriendly welcome when he is forced to bunk in Nathan's room at Thornridge Manor. The boys learn a lesson in trust when they become the targets of a sinister plot and stumble upon the biggest adventure of their lives–but Nathan makes the most valuable discovery of all. Includes DVD bonus features.

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87 min.
BJU Press/ShowForth

In The Treasure Map a troubled Cherokee boy encounters an unfriendly welcome when he is forced to bunk in Nathan's room at Thornridge Manor. The boys learn a lesson in trust when they become the targets of a sinister plot and stumble upon the biggest adventure of their lives–but Nathan makes the most valuable discovery of all. Includes DVD bonus features. A resource for families, churches, and Christian schools. Suitable for all ages.

ShowForth Family Film Devotional Guide for The Treasure Map (PDF)