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The Printing [DVD]

The Printing is a family film produced by Unusual Films that tells the story of faithful Christians that continue printing and smuggling Bibles even when they know they are being hunted down by the Soviet Russian government. The courage of these followers of Christ is a timely reminder that our faith is still worth dying for. A resource for Heritage Studies.

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137 min.
BJU Press/ShowForth
Dove Seal of ApprovalThe Printing is a family film produced by Unusual Films that tells the story of faithful Christians that continue printing and smuggling Bibles even when they know they are being hunted down by the Soviet Russian government. The courage of these followers of Christ is a timely reminder that our faith is still worth dying for. A resource for Heritage Studies. Suitable for upper elementary, teens, and adults. The Printing includes English and Russian Soundtracks, as well as English, Spanish, and German subtitles.

ShowForth Family Film Devotional Guide for The Printing (PDF)