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Phonics and English 1 Teacher Edition, 4th ed.

The Teacher's Edition includes 180 lessons in six units. Each unit begins with a biblical worldview shaping lesson on one or more of the four language skills. Many lessons include a speaking or listening activity that will create interest in the lesson.

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BJU Press
4th ed.
1024 pp. (2 volumes)
Grade Level
BJU Press
The Teacher's Edition includes 180 lessons in six units. Each unit begins with a biblical worldview shaping lesson on one or more of the four language skills. Many lessons include a speaking or listening activity that will create interest in the lesson. Phonics instruction begins with a review that transitions into various activities including phonemic awareness training, word building, word family review, words in the context of sentences, and practice with high-frequency words. English instruction develops grammar and sentence structure skills, strengthening the student's ability to communicate accurately and clearly. Each series of writing lessons guides the student through the five steps of the writing process, gradually releasing responsibility for those steps to the student. The teacher resources section provides print material for instruction, practice, review, writing process support, and assessment.

Unit tests and writing rubrics are found in the back of the teacher edition and on Teacher Tools Online.