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Bible 2: Truths for Life Teacher Edition, 1st ed.

The Bible 2: Truths for Life Teacher Edition (1st edition) guides teachers as they help students analyze biblical narratives and relate them to foundational Bible doctrines. Teachers will use object lessons to help students connect Bible truths to real-life situations. Instructional sections help students identify the main idea of a Scripture passage.

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BJU Press
1st ed.
501 pp.
Grade Level
BJU Press

The Bible 2: Truths for Life Teacher Edition (1st edition) guides teachers as they help students analyze biblical narratives and relate them to foundational Bible doctrines. Teachers will use object lessons to help students connect Bible truths to real-life situations. Instructional sections help students identify the main idea of a Scripture passage. Thoughtful learning strategies are also featured to help students engage with and retain Bible truths. Suggested assessments options are included to align student learning with overall course objectives.

Key Features of the Bible 2 Teacher Edition

  • An integrated teaching cycle of Engage, Instruct, Apply, and Assess
  • Answers to student review questions
  • Lesson plan overviews at the beginning of each unit
  • Designated student objectives for explaining, defending, and applying biblical truths
  • Reduced student pages for simpler lesson planning and assignment grading
  • Instructional aids for Bible Truths
  • Sheet music for Bible Truth songs