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Bible 1: Truths for Life Assessments, 1st ed.

This Bible 1 assessments packet provides first-grade Bible tests, quizzes, and review for first-grade students. Bible 1 review sheets give students practice with the Bible truths, and section tests measure the student’s understanding of the focus of each of the Bible truths. Assessment and review questions align with educational objectives from the Bible 1: Truths for Life student worktext.

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BJU Press
1st ed.
22 pp.
Grade Level
BJU Press

This Bible 1 assessments packet provides first-grade Bible tests, quizzes, and review for first-grade students. Bible 1 review sheets give students practice with the Bible truths, and section tests measure the student’s understanding of the focus of each of the Bible truths.

Assessment and review questions align with educational objectives from the Bible 1: Truths for Life student worktext.

What makes the BJU Press approach to Bible assessments unique?

BJU Press assessments have been designed to allow students to demonstrate their growth in critical thinking. Testing and reviews should not be about getting the most questions correct but about letting students show what they have learned with questions that show recall, application, analysis, and evaluation.

Features of the 1st Grade Bible Assessments Packet

  • Eight review sheets for test preparation.
  • Eight simple, two-page tests for use as summative assessments

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