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Writing & Grammar 9 Trove eWorktext, 4th ed.

The Writing & Grammar 9 (4th edition) worktext equips students to craft intentional and effective communication through systematic grammar instruction and application of grammar skills to speaking and writing. It weaves together grammar instruction and writing practice throughout, giving students ample opportunities to connect the grammar skills they're learning to the texts they're crafting.

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BJU Press
4th ed.
640 pp.
Grade Level
BJU Press

The Writing & Grammar 9 (4th edition) worktext equips students to craft intentional and effective communication through systematic grammar instruction and application of grammar skills to speaking and writing. It weaves together grammar instruction and writing practice throughout, giving students ample opportunities to connect the grammar skills they're learning to the texts they're crafting.

Features of the Writing & Grammar 9 Worktext

  • Special sections, including Grammar Garages, Portfolio Pieces, and Reviser’s Repair Shops, give students opportunities to apply grammar skills and writing strategies to real-world writing assignments in a variety of genres.
  • Mentor texts and model texts allow students to analyze effective writing selections.
  • Collaborative activities and oral and visual presentations strengthen students’ 21st century skills.
  • Study Hacks provide students with strategies for making their learning more effective and efficient.
  • Stated objectives direct students to apply grammar to the writing process so that they can successfully evaluate their own and their peer’s writing.

Writing Projects in Writing & Grammar 9

  • Description: brochure, creative writing, list poem, comparison/contrast presentation, writing about the future
  • Exposition: essay answer, historical research essay, informative article, research paper
  • Narration: narrative essay, oral history, memoir, film script
  • Persuasion: persuasive essay, opinion piece, book review
  • Personal Communication: letter to the “you” of the future, business letter, business email

This digital product is purchased by a school on behalf of its students and is distributed through a school-managed Trove account. BJU Press eTexts in Trove provide teachers opportunities to add interactive activities to accompany the text, allow homework completion within the platform, and include a variety of study and accessibility features. BJU Press eTexts can be accessed anywhere on any device offline through the app or online through a browser.

BJU Press eTexts and eAssessments in Trove expire 15 months from purchase. Returns are limited and available only prior to October 31. See returns for more detail. A Trove School Site License for Teachers (548800) is required to purchase student eTexts and eAssessments. No additional license is required. Your license will auto-renew each school year.